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Happy Dad


Fouth Trimester
Just like the first three trimesters, the fourth trimester is a transformational time period for both you and your baby. By understanding the transitions that will be taking place, you and your partner will be enabled to anticipate and prepare for this period of recovery, of expansion, and of learning, allowing you to make it with less difficultly and more ease.
Mother Holding Baby

Included Within Your Class:

Hosted Virtually || 3.5 hours in length
Postpartum Resources
The Preparing for Postpartum Must-Have's Checklist
Postpartum Mental Wellness and Support Plan Template
Private Class -- Contact me for details at the "Let's Connect" button below

Investment || per couple:


Only offered virtually


I would absolutely love to connect so do not hesitate reach out and send them my way or set up a free phone call with me!


In this class you will learn:

Standard medications, assessments, tests, procedures and the reasoning behind each, that are recommended for you and your baby immediately postpartum
The physical, hormonal, emotional and mental shifts that will be occurring within your own body in the first six weeks postpartum
The most common requirements that need to be met prior to being safely discharged home from the hospital
How to observe your baby's cues, interpret their possible meaning(s)  and the actions to take to support them
The basics of caring for your baby, from umbilical cord care and bathing to sleep/awake states and soothing measures
To recognize what is 'normal' and what signs, for yourself and for your baby warrant follow-up with a health care provider
The local resources available to you whether it be breastfeeding support, further csupport your physical, mental and emotional recovery postpartum

Registration for two people.

A key to having a positive postpartum experience, instead of just "winging it", is possessing the knowledge and understanding of what you may experience and how you can best prepare yourselves for it.

What if my partner and I have chosen to take a specific approach to our parenting style?

I believe there are many ways to be the parent(s) that your little one needs and embrace each one within the class content so that you have the knowledge and resources to discover the ways that are 'right' for you. The Fourth Trimester class will give you:

The knowledge of how to support the natural process that your body will be moving through following the birth of your baby

The understanding of the transitional processes that your baby will be moving through the first six weeks of life and how to support them through it

And your partner the confidence and belief in yourselves to navigate this new life with your baby, to problem solve and support one another to overcome any challenges that arise

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