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Young Couple Expecting


Prenatal Education

Because it will not be 'just another day' for you when your child is born, do what you can to make your child's birth a good memory... Prepare yourself by learning what to expect and what to do so that you will remain an active participant in this most meaningful experience. And surround yourself with supportive people who treat you kindly, respectfully, and with dignity.


Prenatal Yoga

Included Within Your Two Part Prenatal Class:

Part One & Two || Hosted virtually || 2 hours in length each
Part Three || In-Person || 2.5 hours in length
An abundance of resources including printables for use in labour
Hospital Bag Packing Lists - for you, your partner and your baby
My personal email support for non-urgent questions up until you give birth

Investment || per couple:


Cost is for two individuals for the entire three part series.


I would absolutely love to connect so do not hesitate reach out and send them my way!


In this three part series you will learn:

The common tests and assessments in the third trimester of pregnancy and their importance
The signs and symptoms that warrant follow-up with your health care provider
The physical, hormonal and emotional changes you may experience in the third trimester, labour, birth and immediately postpartum
Possible medical interventions; their risks and their benefits, when and why they might be required and the process of informed decision making
Pain management options from breath-work, hydrotherapy and acupressure, to medications and epidurals
In Labour
About movement in labour, pushing positions, and what you can do to decrease your chances of having a perineal tear with birth
What 'The Golden Hour' is, its importance and what you may expect for you and your baby in the first couple hours following birth

A key to having a positive birth experience, instead of just "getting through it", is knowledge and an understanding of the process of labour and the many ways that a woman can give birth..

but is it a requirement?

No, absolutely not.. your body, your baby and your birth. You will give birth to your baby no matter what but I believe that prenatal education enables you to move a step further, giving you:

Knowledge of the physiological process of giving birth vaginally as well as what it might look like if you require an instrument-assisted or cesarean section birth

Tools and resources that can be used both at-home and in-hospital for coping with the inevitable discomforts of early and active labour

The ability to uncover, alongside your partner, your hopes and fears around labour, medical interventions, giving birth and parenthood while gaining actionable steps to ease those fears

The confidence and belief in yourself, in your partner and in your birth team to create a positive birth experience

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